Thursday, November 15, 2018

Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng

Little Fires Everywhere

Title: Little Fires Everywhere 
Author: Celeste Ng 
Published: 2017
Call #: Fic Ng

In the fishbowl of Shaker Heights, Ohio, there is a family whose perfect home goes aflame. The Richardson's are a family of six, with four kids all now in high school:  the senior, Lexie;  junior: Trip; sophomore , Moody; and freshman, Izzy.  Each kid has a unique talent and charm about them, representing perfect shapes in a cookie-cutter town.  Only, it is most difficult for Izzy.   She has never quite fit in, to the point of being the first suspect when their home burns down.  The only breakthrough she has had was when she befriended the family's tenant, a somewhat radical artist named Mia.  Mia's daughter Pearl, a sophomore, is quickly becoming a regular fixture at the Richardson's dinner table.  Each girl silently considers how ideal it would be if the other's parent & situation were their own. 

Mia and Pearl have never been in one place for longer than a year at a time. It has always been the two of them chasing Mia’s next artistic inspiration. This time, Mia promises Pearl it will be different. They find Shaker Heights and the ideal school for Pearl at the opportune time. Only, the goal of Pearl having the opportunity to make connections and friends is not at all what Mia had envisioned.

The mystery of who started the “little fires everywhere” in the Richardson home is enveloped within the clash of watching two completely different families correspond and learn from one another.  Between watching these two drastically different mothering styles struggle with their lack of control to how these teens navigate through needing confidence in this seemingly perfect town keeps you entertained through Celeste Ng’s entire sophomore novel.